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On 2 Assumptions We Make About the World and the One-Ness of Consciousness

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

On 2 Assumptions We Make About the World

We make 2 assumptions about the world in which we reside. We assume that everyone else is just as conscious as we are. The second assumption we make is that we assume that we have a true and real representation of everyone and everything else besides us. What do I mean by these 2 assumptions? I will explain further about these 2 assumptions below.

The 1st assumption, that everyone else is just as conscious as we are, can never be proved, since there is no way for me to verify with 100% certainty the consciousness of another being. I can only state that other conscious beings react in the same ways that I do and so I must assume that they are an individual valid conscious “I” just like me. We must go through life assuming the consciousness of other beings and can never truly prove it.

The 2nd assumption is that we have a valid representation of everything else besides us. The reality is that we only have a slice of the true valid representation of everything else. This slice of the true valid representation of anything outside of our “I” is a “time-slice” of any variable length of time. For example, I may say that I have a valid representation of Suzie, but what I have is a limited time-slice symbolic representation of the entity called Suzie, for example say between the ages of 30 and 31. And, that symbolical representational time-slice that I call Suzie, is informed only by the information gathered about Suzie on those days and hours that Suzie and I communicated. So, my mind’s representation of Suzie, is a limited understanding of Suzie. Suzie’s true reality at this present moment encompasses all of her life, to the age of 31, and not only that, but every experience, thought, dream, emotion, etc.…..of which my consciousness is forced to make a limited symbolic representation.

On the Multiplicity of the Universe and the One-Ness of My Consciousness

All that I think I know about the outside world is a symbolic whole amalgamated representation created by my consciousness. In understanding the whole of this symbolic representation, my consciousness creates necessary distinctions between the whole, to understand the whole in a more defined manner. This illusory multiplicity adds details to the whole and is a sort of tool to understand the parts of the whole.

My consciousness also creates a distinction between what I perceive to be my individual self and what I perceive to be everything else.

The whole exists in my mind. I am one consciousness. Therefore, myself and everything else in what I perceive to be the creation is 1 thing. The most real and valid absolute thing that I can say is that I contain a united whole representation of what I perceive to be the outside world in my mind (consciousness), and since I am also included in that representation as a part of the whole, then the universe and “I” are one in this symbolic representation.

My consciousness creates a distinction between the symbol of myself and the symbol of the universe. My consciousness creates this distinction to maneuver the symbol of myself as a part through the multiplicity of the other symbolic parts of the whole.

On the One-Ness of My Knowledge

Since, we have explained that the Universe and “I” are one, it follows that we only have some knowledge of one thing. That is if the whole is one, then any detail that I learn about a part of the whole is just adding detail to my knowledge of the whole.

For example, if I choose to become an electro-magnetic expert. I am only learning one detail about the whole. Electro-magnetism is only one part of the whole symbolic representation of the creation. It adds detail to the whole, yes in the same way that more pixels in a resolution of a television screen will add more nuances to the whole and a more vivid picture, but the whole screen is one screen. Therefore, we are never learning separate things. We are only ever learning details of one thing.

This one thing is my symbolic conscious representation of the whole universe. Therefore, I can only know my one symbolic conscious representation of the whole. This symbol that my consciousness creates is an amalgamated abstract construct and includes me within it since it is a whole. It follows then, that I can only ever know myself, which is indistinguishable from the symbolic representation of the whole that my consciousness creates.

My perceived one-ness and separation from the rest of the universe is a distinction that my consciousness creates for me to maneuver as a part through the multiplicity of the parts of the whole.

On What is Outside My “Self” and What is Inside My “Self

The distinction of what is outside my “self” and what is inside my “self” could be created by my consciousness, and there could only be inside my “self”. That is, my consciousness could be creating a duality of outside and inside for what I perceive to be my individual “self” so that what I perceive to be my individual symbolic “self” could maneuver through the rest of the whole.

What I sense as touching outside of my “self” is an amalgamated construct of my consciousness which I perceive in my “self". What I mean is, that the representation of what I perceive to be the outside world is being amalgamated by my one “self”, and therefore the “outside” world is a symbolic construct inside of my one “self”. Therefore, what I perceive to be going on outside my-self, is going on inside myself. The existence of outside seemingly separate things is being understood inside by my one “self” as an amalgamated symbolic conscious whole construct. Therefore, what I perceive to be outside my “self” is actually going on inside my “self”. Outside and Inside could be an illusion, and we are only ever maneuvering through our own one consciousness.

There is no way to prove that the outside universe is separate from what I perceive to be my individual “self”. In other words, the outside universe exists in my mind and could very well be a holographic conscious projection that is being imposed on me as a sort of veil to hide the reality. This holographic conscious projection is creating a duality of inside and outside, and my “self” and everything else. A sort of beautiful prison, that veils me from the One-Ness of the Whole. It is possible that the world and I exist only in 1 consciousness.

In other words that which I perceive to be going on outside my “self” is going on inside myself. It is like my consciousness (in order to understand the whole) is projecting an inside and outside, or my individual self and everyone else (a duality) in order to understand the whole in richer detail by isolating the parts of the whole. Since we understand the whole in richer detail by isolating the parts of the whole.

On the Merging of the 2 Assumptions with the One-Ness of Consciousness

So, we assume that everybody’s outside world is going on inside their selves and exists as a whole symbolic amalgamated construct, since this is what we found to be true pertaining to our situation. If we assume this, then it follows that I exist also, as an incomplete symbolic slice of other people’s consciousness, at the times in which they knew about me. Therefore, I exist in everybody else’s consciousness as one symbolic incomplete slice of the “I” known as Jimmy. This symbolic slice that exists as a representation of my perceived individual “I” is registered in the consciousness of everyone who ever met me, spoke with me, seen me, or heard about me. The true real “I” is only known by “I”. Everyone else has a limited slice of the true reality of the “I” that is Jimmy. I exist as a part in the whole of other people’s 1 whole amalgamated consciousness. This is also true for my “I” in regards to other “I”’s.

Copyright 2021 by Jimmy Eleazar Vargas de Sanchez. All rights reserved.

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